This tutorial focus on fine-mapping using the Bayesian Linear Regression (BLR) model. It processes and analyzes GWAS (Genome-Wide Association Studies) summary statistics and employs fine-mapping on specific gene or genomic regions. Here we present the use of Bayesian linear regression (BLR) models for fine mapping approach using summary data. Allowing joint estimation of variants’ effects while accounting for LD among variants, our BLR models using Gibbs sampling technique, perform regularization and conduct variable selection.
# Set working directory
# Download simulated genotype data
url <- ""
download.file(url = url, mode = "wb", destfile = "human.bed")
url <- ""
download.file(url = url, destfile = "human.bim")
url <- ""
download.file(url = url, destfile = "human.fam")
# Prepare Glist with information on genotypes stored in PLINK files
Glist <- gprep(study = "Simulation",
bedfiles = "C:/Users/Projects/Examples/human.bed",
bimfiles = "C:/Users/Projects/Examples/human.bim",
famfiles = "C:/Users/Projects/Examples/human.fam")
# Filter markers with predefined thresholds for MAF, missingness, etc.
rsids <- gfilter(Glist = Glist, excludeMAF = 0.05, excludeMISS = 0.05,
excludeCGAT = TRUE, excludeINDEL = TRUE, excludeDUPS = TRUE, excludeHWE = 1e-12,
excludeMHC = FALSE)
# Compute sparse LD using filtered markers (may take some time if R is not linked to openblas, atlas or MKL)
Glist <- gprep(Glist, task = "sparseld", msize = 1000,
rsids = rsids,
ldfiles = "C:/Users/Projects/Examples/human.ld",
overwrite = TRUE)
# Simulate phenotype using filtered markers
sim <- gsim(Glist=Glist, rsids=rsids)
# Create marker sets surrounding each index SNPs
sets <- createMarkerSets(Glist=Glist, rsids=sim$causal, upstream=1000, downstream=1000)
# Perform single marker regression analyses to get summary statistics
stat <- glma(y=sim$y,Glist = Glist, rsids=rsids)
# Fine-mapping in selected genome regions using a Bayes C prior for the marker variance
fit <- gmap(Glist=Glist, stat=stat, sets=sets, method="bayesC",
algorithm="mcmc", output="full",verbose=TRUE)
# Posterior estimates of hyper-parameters (ve,vg,vb,pi,pip) for every fine-mapped region
# Convergence statistics for every fine-mapped region
# Posterior estimates of marker effects for every fine-mapped region
# Credible sets for every fine-mapped region
# Fine-mapping across all chromosomes using a Bayes C prior for the marker variance
fit <- gbayes(Glist=Glist, stat=stat, method="bayesC",
algorithm="mcmc", verbose=TRUE)
# Posterior estimates of hyper-parameters (ve,vg,vb,pi,pip) for chromosomes in Glist
# Convergence statistics for chromosomes in Glist
# Posterior estimates of marker effects for chromosomes in Glist
# Credible sets for every fine-mapped region defined by sets
fit$cs <- getCredibleSets(Glist=Glist, fit=fit, sets=sets)